首页 > 全部资讯 > 学术报告532:拜占庭容错机制在不同分布式系统中的应用
报 告 人:曹通 院长,上海焜耀研究院 报告时间:09月26日(周一)13:00~17:00 报告地点:腾讯会议(485-745-522) 邀 请 人:余航 讲师 报告摘要: To avoid single point of failure and enhance system’s dependability, some mission-critical computer systems (e.g., Google’s Chubby lock service, Boeing’s ARINC 659 SAFEbus) deploy multiple core components (replicas) in the network and implement Byzantine fault tolerant protocols. In case of f arbitrary faults, such BFT protocols guarantee that the system can persistently execute correct orders via a number of replicas (from f+1 to 3f+1 depending on different settings). In general, classic BFT protocols are designed to tolerate faults in a small-scale network, for instance, Google’s Chubby lock service only consists of 5 nodes. In the past decade, many efforts have been made to explore the possibilities of BFT protocols in a large-scale computing network for different purposes, such as, Hyperledger fabric, Facebook’s DiemBFT. Despite some improvements, it remains an open challenge to tolerate Byzantine faults in a large-scale computing network, in particular, the network that requests high throughput and low latency. In this talk, several BFT protocols are introduced along with some applications. 报告人简介: 曹通,上海焜耀研究院,科研负责人。卢森堡大学博士,博士论文被提名为卢森堡大学年度杰出博士论文。主要研究方向为分布式系统容错性,计算机网络共识机制,网络安全。2022年协议实验室(Protocol Labs)RFP-X 科研基金获得者。长期研究基于IPFS传输协议的Filecoin区块链分布式存储网络的技术服务平台,集群架构与算法相结合,具有丰富的实战经验。