首页 > 全部资讯 > 关于申报第十届“国际化小学期”课程的通知
各院(系)、部门: 在学校大类招生和通识教育的教学改革背景下,教务部根据学校国际化战略,落实从“上海大学的国际化”向“国际化的上海大学”转型要求,稳步推进上海大学国际化校园建设。为充分利用国际优质师资,提升我校教育教学的国际化水平,拓宽学生的国际化视野,以高水平的人才培养推进高水平大学建设,我校继成功举办九届“国际化小学期”教学活动后,拟于2021年实施第十届“国际化小学期”课程专项。因疫情影响,无法邀请外教到上大来授课,因此拟采用在线教学的方式,师生同聚“云端”,开展在线交流。现将申报的相关要求通知如下: To whom it may concern, With the deepening reform of general enrollment and general education in the university, Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai University implements the requirements of the transformation from "Internationalization of Shanghai University" to "Internationalized Shanghai University" according to the requirements of the internationalization strategy of the school, and has steadily promoted the construction of the internationalized Campus of Shanghai University.To take the advantage of prominent teachers from aboard, to increase the international level of education and teaching in our school, to broaden the international visions of our students,and to promote the construction of high-level university with high-level cultivation of professionals, we intend to carry out the special project on the courses for“The Tenth Internationalized Short Semester”. Due to the impact of the pandemic,foreign teachers could not be invited to teach on campus,to adapt to the situation, online teachingis proposed. The application requirements are listed as below. 一、申报条件与资助内容 1.“国际化小学期”课程要求 ①授课时数为20学时,即2学分; ②第九届国际化小学期安排在2020-2021年夏季学期的前两周(6月21日-7月2日),两周均为授课时间。预计上课时间安排:二6-7节 (1-2周) 三1-3节(1-2周) 四1-3节(1-2周) 五3-4节 (1-2周)。 Part I: Application Conditions and Subsidization contents 1.Requirements for the Courses of“Internationalized short semester” ①20 hours of teaching, i.e 2 credits ②The Ninth Internationalized Short semester ranges from 21stJune to 2ndJuly, the first two weeks of the 2021 summer semester. Two weeks are all for instructions. Planed schedule as follows: the 6thto the 7thclass on Tuesday, the 1stto the 3rdclass on Wednesday and Thursday,the 3rdto the 4thclass on Friday. ③教授课程:本届国际化小学期将以“后疫情时代的教育创新”为主题组织开设通识类课程。课程内容突出学科前沿和通识教育,教育理念及教学方法先进,能够激发学生学习兴趣,启迪学生思维;需全英文授课。 ④成绩评定按照百分制赋分,平时成绩占比不超过50%。 ⑤鼓励海内外学生在中外教师指导下开展同堂上课的“在地留学”教学模式。 ③Courses Offered: This Internationalized short semester will organize general courses with the theme of "Educational Innovation in the post-epidemic era". The course content should highlight the cutting edge of the subject, with advanced educational concepts and teaching methods so as to arouse students’ inspiration and interest; All courses are taught in English. ④Achievement Evaluation: Scores shall be given according to the 100-point system, and the proportion of normal scores shall not exceed 50%. ⑤Students at home and abroad are encouraged to practice the mode of "staying at local while studying abroad virtually online " under the guidance of Chinese and foreign teachers. 2.外教师资要求 外籍教师应是来自世界知名高校且年龄在65周岁以下的聘用人员(非我校在编),且是高等教育水平高的发达国家或地区的教师。外籍教师需对华友好、遵守中华人民共和国法律法规、无犯罪记录;不得利用教学之便或在任何场合下非法传教,或攻击我国的法律和政策。请各学院动员本学院教师邀请长期合作、具有深入了解度的知名外教为学生开设课程。 2.Qualifications for Foreign Teachers Foreign teachers should be from the prestigious universities and under 65 years old, and be engaged from the developed countries marked by flourish of higher education(should not be staff of Shanghai Univ.). It is required that foreign teachers are friendly to China, abide by Chinese laws and regulation, have no criminal record; Teachers are forbidden to use teaching facilities to illegally preach or attack Chinese laws and policies under any circumstances. It is encouraged for each college to invite well-known foreign teachers with whom the college had long-term cooperation and in depth understanding. 3.申报院/系及外教任务 ①对申报课程内容及师资进行审核。 ②根据课程内容、外教学历背景选配合适的、有责任心的对接教师(课程教分将计入对接教师工作量),对接教师负责上传在线学习资料、组织互动课程、课堂答疑、登录成绩,以及整理课程反馈。对接教师需要在开课前(6月15日前)完成线上资料的建设。 ③外教负责提供在线学习资料(如视频、音频、课件、资料等),由对接教师负责上传至“超星在线教学平台”;互动课安排在智慧教室集中授课,所使用线上平台由对接教师和外教协商确定。互动课时不少于课时数的50%。 ④课程结束后,对接教师负责按时登录学生成绩。 College/Department and foreign teachers’ responsibility Review the course contents and teachers’ qualification. Our contact teachers will be selected in accordance with the course contents and the background of the foreign teachers. (Teaching scores will be recorded under the contact teachers.) Contact teachers are responsible for uploading online learning materials, organizing interactive courses, answering questions in class, logging in students’scores, and gathering the feed backs . Online materials should be sorted out before class start (by 15thJune) by contact teachers. Contact teachers are responsible for uploading the online learning materials (such as video, audio, courseware, materials, etc), which are provided by foreign teachers to the platform“Chao Xing”;Interactive classes are arranged in the smart classroom. The platform for online class interactions is determined with the negotiations of contact teachers and foreign teachers.Interactive classes shall be at least 50% of the total class hours. The contact teacher is responsible for logging in students' scores on time after the end of the course. 4.课程遴选流程及遴选依据 ①学院对课程及开课外籍教师的资质进行审核,并将审核通过的课程于4月26日星期一前上报教务处; ②教务处对学院审核通过的课程进行排课,并通知学生进行选课; ③教务处依据选课人数确定该门课程是否开设:学生选课人数大于等于10人的课程予以开设。 4. Process and Basis of Course Selection ①The college is responsible for reviewing the courses and foreign teachers’ qualification and submit the approved courses to Educational Administration office before April 26th(Monday). ②Educational Administration office arranges the courses approved by college and informs the students to select. ③Courses with 10 or more students are allowed to be established as determined by Educational administration office . 5.资助内容 课程结束后,学校负责支付每位外教15000元人民币课金(含税金与汇兑手续费),具体支付方式,根据学校财务处规定,由对接教师与外教商定。 国际化小学期共10次20节课,50%的课时安排互动课,即5次10节互动课。 5. Subsidized Items After the short semester, each foreign teacher will receive 15000 RMB including taxes and exchange charge from Shanghai University. The specific method of payment shall be agreed between the cooperative teacher and the foreign teacher according to the regulations of the university's financial office. Internationalized Short semester has 10 lessons(20 course hours, including 50% interactive ones). 二、申报材料与时间 请有意向的院系在2021年4月26日星期一下午16:00之前将通过学院审核之后的申报材料(附件2和附件3)连同附件1汇总表以及外教护照信息页(护照信息页必须带照片)扫描件一并提交至教务处(注:所有材料均提交电子版),由教务处统一组织排课并开通选课,依据预选课情况确定最终开设的课程。 Part II: Documents for Application and Deadline The interested college/department is required to submit the Application materials approved by the College (Please refer to Appendix II and Appendix III) , Summary form( Appendix I )and information page of scanned passport with photos to Educational Administration office before April, 26th, 2021 (all materials to be submitted electronically). Educational Administration office will schedule and open the course selection access which is determined by the pre-selected results. 所提交材料命名要求: 附件1请用学院名称命名,即:ххх学院.doc 附件2请用外教名字命名(英文),即:外教姓名.doc 附件3请用外教拟上课程的中文名命名,譬如:符号学.doc 外教护照信息页请用外教名字(英文)命名。 Naming requirement for the submission dossier: Appendix I Named after the College(e.g. Collegeххх.doc) Appendix II Named after the foreign teacher’s name(e.g.ххх.doc) Appendix III Named after the curriculum in Chinese(e.g.符号学.doc) Information page of scanned passport named after the foreign teacher 联系人:邓斐今 电子邮件:dengfeijin@i.shu.edu.cn,电话:021-66132027。 Contact person: Feeling Deng E-mail: dengfeijin@i.shu.edu.cn, Tel:+86-021-66132027. 注:英文版仅供参考,如果与中文版有出入,请以中文版为准。 Note: English version is for reference only, in case any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail. 上海大学教务部实验实践处 2021年4月15日 Experimental Practice Office,Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai University April 15th, 2021 附件1:申报信息汇总表 附件2:国际化小学期外籍教师信息确认表 附件3:课程大纲 Appendix I:Summary Form of Application Information Appendix II:Foreign teachers’ Information Confirmation Form of Internationalized Short semester Appendix III:Course Outline 各院(系)、部门: