首页 > 全部资讯 > 学术报告522:生物计量学与计算机视觉
报 告 人:Prof. Mark Nixon (President of the IEEE Biometrics Council and Vice Chair IEEE PSPB), University of Southampton, UK 报告时间:2020年11月 20日(周六)18:00~20:00 报告地点:校本部东区计算机大楼1106室 邀 请 人:孙妍 讲师 报告摘要: This talk will be about biometrics and computer vision. It will also be about my career and how students have joined in throughout. I started at Southampton in 1983 before computer science and electrical joined electronics. I started by working on using computer vision for automatic face recognition when there were about 10 people in the world working on it. Now I use face recognition on my phone. Along the way we pioneered systems that recognise people by the way they walk. Even your identity is encoded in your ear, as is (like gait) your kinship and gender. So this talk will be in part how we got to this position, it will also be about where we are now and what is the state of art in biometrics and in computer vision. Computer vision and biometrics help our daily lives now in ways we only dreamed of when I started working in this area, and it’s been great fun too! 报告人简介: Mark Nixon,英国南安普顿大学电子与计算机科学学院教授,IEEE Biometrics Council主席,IEEE PSPB副主席,IET Fellow,美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)项目首席研究员,通用动力防御技术中心数据融合项目首席研究员,获得IBM信息技术联盟、EPSRC、NERC和欧盟等支持的项目。他曾多次担任BMVC、IAPR、ICPR、IJBC、IEEE BTAS等总主席或联合主席。Mark Nixon教授的主要研究兴趣是图像处理和计算机视觉,他开发了用于自动人脸和自动步态识别,以及医学图像分析的静态和移动形状提取(包括参数和非参数)技术。他是人脸识别的早期工作者,随后是步态识别与耳朵生物识别的先驱,目前研究方向为软生物识别技术(即通过人的属性来识别人)。