首页 > 全部资讯 > 学术报告530:挖掘复杂的大数据:从基础到现实世界的人工智能
报 告 人:吴佳 副教授,澳达利亚麦考瑞大学 报告时间:06月16日(周四)14:00~18:00 报告地点:腾讯会议(942-458-858) 邀 请 人:余航 讲师 报告摘要: Big Data is an emerging paradigm, characterized by complex information that is beyond the processing capability of conventional tools. Traditional data analytics methods are commonly used in many applications, such as text classification and image recognition, and these data are often required to be represented as vectors for analysis purposes. Data may also come from heterogeneous domains, such as traditional tabular-based data, sequential patterns, social networks, time series information, or semi-structured data. Complex data poses new challenges for current research in data mining and knowledge discovery as new processing, mining, and learning methods are required. 报告人简介: Jia Wu 副教授(ARC DECRA Fellow,优青,Top 数据挖掘期刊 ACM TKDD 副主编)。现任澳大利亚麦考瑞大学人工智能研究中心 Research Director。已经发表高水平论文 100 多篇,包括 CCF A 类TPAMI, TKDE, KDD, NIPS, WWW, IJCAI, AAAI 和 ACM/IEEE Trans 期刊 TNNLS, TMM, TII, TCYB, TKDD 等。现任国际数据挖掘顶级期刊 ACM TKDD, Neural Networks 副主编。2019年获得澳洲科学院 Heidelberg Laureate Forum Fellowship。所领导的研究团队获得 2021年数据挖掘顶级国际会议 IEEE ICDM(录用率 9.9%)。最佳学生论文奖,2018年国际顶级数据挖掘大会 SDM 最佳数据科学应用奖,2017年国际顶级人工神经网络IJCNN最佳学生论文奖。